Dear Parishioners and Friends,
It is my great joy to welcome you to St. Joseph Parish website.
St. Joseph’s is a parish rich in history and tradition, blessed with faithful parishioners, and active in prayer and ministry. We were founded in 1901; and in the decades that have followed, we have grown into a community of vibrant Catholic identity that expresses itself in prayer and worship, in faith formation for parishioners of all ages, and in compassionate ministry to all in any need.
I hope you will take some time to become acquainted with the many dimensions of our parish life as you scroll through the website: our Pastoral Staff, St. Joseph Parish School and Religious Education Program, our parish Social Ministry, parish organizations such as our Rosary/Altar Society, our CYO program, out Knights of Columbus Council – all of which are grounded in our spiritual life that celebrates in Liturgy and Sacrament the Real Presence of Christ among us.
Please get to know us. Our doors – and our hearts – are always open!
Reverend Msgr. James P. Swiader