How to Arrange for Mass Intentions
A beautiful Catholic tradition is to remember our beloved deceased family and friends with Masses offered for their eternal rest in God’s presence.
The infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass benefit the souls not only of the deceased but the living as well. The gift of a Mass intention is also a wonderful way to recognize a wedding anniversary, a birthday, an anniversary of ordination or entrance into religious life. For us who believe, no greater gift can be given.
Masses can also be offered for the intentions of a person about to undergo surgery, who is recuperating from an illness or has some other special need. These Masses are announced simply as “for the intention” of the individual.
Other than the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week, Mass is said every day for these intentions. So why not take out your calendar and arrange a Mass intention to pray for a deceased loved one, to celebrate a significant occasion for living family and friends or to offer spiritual support for someone in need of it.
Masses are offered for single intentions with the exception of the 5 PM Mass on Saturdays and the 1 PM Mass on Sundays. By a single intention is understood an intention for one person, a married couple, a parent/child or a single family. Since many parishioners request Sunday Masses, multiple intentions from multiple donors may be accepted at the 5 PM and 1 PM Mass with a limit of seven individual intentions.
All the following Mass Intentions can be arranged with the rectory receptionist.
Masses to be offered on a particular day and time are announced in the Sunday bulletin and during the Prayer of the Faithful at the Mass. A card is provided indicating the date and time of the Mass. Except for the 5 PM on Saturday and the 1 PM Mass on Sunday, a single intention is accepted for an offering of $20. Multiple intentions can be accepted for the 5 PM Mass on Saturday and the 1 PM on Sunday with an offering of $20 for each.