Religious Education-Catechists
For Grade One Through Eight and Special Needs Children.
One of our most serious obligations and greatest joys as a parish family is to pass on the ancient treasure that is our faith. Our goal is to imbue the minds and hearts of both children and adults with the beautiful heritage of Catholic Christianity, and to invite all our parishioners into an ever-deepening love relationship with Jesus Christ. Classes for the religious education and formation of children, levels 1 through 8, begin in October and continue through early May. Ordinarily, First Reconcilliation (Confession) and First Holy Communion are celebrated in the second grade, while Confirmation is administered in the fall of ninth grade.
Volunteers for the Ministry of Catechesis
The St. Joseph Religious Education Program is primarily a volunteer-based program. We rely on volunteers to teach our children as catechists and to protect our children as hall monitors. This program would not be able to give the children of St. Joseph the education in their faith that they deserve if it were not for the generosity of our volunteers. Catechists make a weekly committment to teach, but if you would prefer not to make that level of committment, you can volunteer as a hall monitor, parking lot aide or as a substitute catechist and help out throughout the year as your schedule allows. If you can volunteer please in our Program please call the Religious Education Office at 741-7787 for more details
Mrs. Cathy O'Sullivan, Coordinator