Online Giving

As you are probably aware, church attendance during the summer months tends to drop off as vacations and weekend sporting events often conflict. On the other hand, the services we provide within the parish and for the larger community continue year round. Thus, your consistent financial support of our parish is vital to achieving our stewardship mission.
The easiest way to be sure that your gift of treasure reaches us, even when you cannot be here, is through enrollment in our electronic offertory program: Faith Direct. If you have not yet enrolled in Faith Direct, I encourage you to consider doing so this month by clicking here. Once you have enrolled, you can relax knowing that St. Joseph Church will receive your gifts throughout the summer.
Enrollment forms are available in the church office or you can visit Faith Direct's secure web site at to enroll online. Our parish code is NY332. As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God.