We are full of gratitude and appreciation for all that each of you has done this month for our neighbors in need in Hempstead and Roosevelt. Our November food drive netted numerous barrels of food and $1,373.27 in donations. And on Saturday, November 12, 2016 our Thanksgiving Sponsor a Family program provided festive holiday dinners to almost 200 families at Our Lady of Loretto and the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary parishes. Thank you for sharing so generously with those who have so little. A special thank you goes to our SAF Committee members, especially Pat DiMattia and Eileen Hoey, our volunteer drivers (many offered to help on the spot!) and our Confirmation students who were so polite and helpful in unloading and reloading bags of groceries.
We pray that your Thanksgiving Day will be full of joy and appreciation for many blessings received and shared. On behalf of those who will be celebrating a happier holiday because of you, we say thank you!