St. Joseph Parish
Adult Faith Formation Board
The Shack
Based on the best-selling novel with the same name, this film tells the story of a father whose daughter is kidnapped on a family outing. Her blood was found on the floor of a nearby abandoned shack in the Oregon wilderness, but neither she nor her body were found. In the course of trying to find out what happened to his daughter, the father encounters God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who are presented in a most unique way. The movie, starring Sam Worthington and Octavia Spencer, sparked substantial controversy when it was released in 2017, and was not without its critics. However, as one critic said, after a long, largely negative, review: “The Shack is well acted and focused on weighty questions intelligently asked – and unlike most movies, it takes religion seriously. Perhaps for that reason alone it deserves to be patronized.” Come, be a patron, see for yourself, and draw your own conclusions.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
2:00 p.m. in the St. Agnes Room
This is the third of our 2017-2018 series
Movies for a Sunday Afternoon
Admission is FREE; All are Welcome.
A Discussion will Follow the Showing
and Light Refreshments will be Served.