
Defensive Driving Class

Posted on March 19, 2018 in: General News

“St Joseph-Bishop Baldwin’s Knights of Columbus”

Save 10% on your collision liability rates for three (3) full years!
Save on driver violation points. (Up to (4) points off your driving record).
Saturday, April 21st, 2018 from (9:30AM-3:30PM)
Saint Joseph’s Church
130 5th Street
Garden City, New York 11530
Downstairs in the St Agnes Room

Please fill out the form below and enclose your check for ($45.00) per person.
Payable to the “Knights of Columbus #15809” and mail or drop off at the Church Rectory.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL: John Russo 516-384-4552 or Robert Matarazzo 917-282-8963 or
Will Havron 516-578-6452

Tear Off***********************************************************Tear Off

Please confirm attendance five (5) days before defensive driving course scheduled date.
NAME: ____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE #:_____________________________________________________________

You will save Money on Car Insurance, as well as, help Support the Knights of Columbus
Council and Charities. Thank you, St. Joseph’s Knights.
Coffee, water, donuts, cookies will be provided courtesy of the Council. Due to the course time constraints, it is suggested that you bring your lunch.