
Defensive Driving Class

Posted on September 21, 2018 in: General News

“St Joseph-Bishop Baldwin’s Knights of Columbus”
Save 10% on your collision liability rates for three (3) full years!
Save on driver violation points. (up to (4) points off your driving record).

Saturday, October 27 , 2018 from (9:30AM-3:30PM)
Saint Joseph’s Church
130 5th Street, Garden City, New York 11530
Downstairs in the St Agnes Room

Please fill out the form below and enclose your check for ($45.00) per person.
Payable to the “Knights of Columbus #15809” and mail or drop off at the Church Rectory.
John Russo 516-384-4552 or Robert Matarazzo 917-282-8963 or Will Havron 516-578-6452

Please confirm attendance five (5) days before defensive driving course scheduled date.

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE #:_____________________________________________________________

You will save Money on Car Insurance, as well as, help Support the Knights of Columbus Council and Charities.

Thank you, St. Joseph’s Knights.