St. Joseph Parish
Adult Faith Formation Board
Based on a true story, this film explores the challenges faced by Michael and Michelle, a young couple who are madly in love and planning their future together, when their dreams are suddenly interrupted. Michael is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and is confined to a hospital. While there, his faith is tested when he is confronted by a fellow patient, an ardent atheist. On top of that, as he struggles to overcome his own illness, Michael’s brother Matt experiences a serious depression that leads to an attempted suicide. Michael and Michelle’s faith and commitment are sorely tested by those events, but they come to learn that miracles can happen in the most unexpected ways.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
2:00 p.m. in the St. Agnes Room
This is the second of our 2018-2019 series
Movies for a Sunday Afternoon
Admission is FREE; All are Welcome.
A Discussion will Follow the Showing
and Light Refreshments will be Served.