
Movies for a Sunday Afternoon

Posted on February 04, 2019 in: General News

St. Joseph Parish
Adult Faith Formation Board

Paul, accused by Nero of having orchestrated the fire that burned half of Rome, is in a Roman prison, and the Christian community is undergoing persecution and in hiding. Luke comes to Rome, manages to visit Paul in prison on a regular basis, and becomes his biographer.

Much of the dialogue will be recognizable to those familiar with Paul’s letters and the Acts of the Apostles. The interaction between Paul and Luke and Mauritius, the Roman officer in charge of the prison, provides an interesting sub plot. It’s a unique perspective on the early Church, and a well acted drama starring James Faulkner (Paul), Jim Caviezel (Luke) and Olivier Martinez (Mauritius).

Sunday, February 24, 2019
2:00 p.m. in the St. Agnes Room
This is the third of our 2018-2019 series
Movies for a Sunday Afternoon

Admission is FREE; All are Welcome.
A Discussion will Follow the Showing
and Light Refreshments will be Served.