
Teachers and Volunteers Needed:
Have you thought about sharing your love of our faith with others? What better way to accomplish that then by volunteering to teach Religious Education in our parish? We have openings at all grade levels (1-8).
We are also looking for help in other capacities like parking lot safety, hall monitors or classroom aides.
Please consider sharing your talents and gifts with the young people of our parish by volunteering to be part of our Religious Education Program. Contact the Religious Education Office today. Please leave a message, and your call will be answered.

Registration for First Grade and New Registrations for September 2019:
All families must have filled out Parish Registration forms at the Rectory in order to register a child in the Religious Ed Program. A copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate is required as well as verification of previous religious education for grades two and up. Both first and second grades are required for the celebration of First Communion. Please call the Religious Ed Office to schedule a time to come in with your child’s Baptismal certificate.

The Religious Education Office will close for the summer as of July 2, 2019. If you have not registered your child(ren) for the 2019/2020 religious education year, please call the office to make arrangements to do so. Please leave a message, and your call will be answered.