We hope this letter finds you and your families safe and healthy and we thank you so much for your generous participation in the St. Joseph’s 2020 Thanksgiving Sponsor A Family Program.
Over the past 20 years, some of the most rewarding moments of this program happened on the drop-off date, the culmination of everyone’s efforts! It was always so great to see our sponsors dropping off their bags of groceries, our team and the confirmation candidates loading several hundred bags into cars for delivery to the parishes in Hempstead and Roosevelt and, of course, our wonderful drivers who drove back and forth, tirelessly all morning long.
Sadly, that social interaction and physical teamwork was not possible this year but the virtual teamwork remains remarkable! Our total sponsor count for this Thanksgiving was 270. That means 270 families “in need” received gift cards for groceries. Most of us are able to manage our weekly/monthly food bill but unfortunately, many families worry about putting food on their dinner table every day. A sad reality that has increased dramatically over the past several months. So again, we thank you very much and wish all of you a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
Finally, the 2020 Christmas program will be virtual as well and will function identically to Thanksgiving. Our email announcement will be sent out in a few weeks and information will also be available through the St. Joseph’s Church website.
The Sponsor A Family Committee;
Anna Sirianni, Social Ministry Director
Pat DiMattia, SAF Co-Chair
Eileen Hoey, SAF Co-Chair