9 Days for Life
9 Days for Life is designed so that Catholics all across the nation can unite together in prayer for the protection of human life.
Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena, 9 Days for Life, Thursday, January 21 – Friday, January 29. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more. Sign up at 9daysforlife.com!
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Friday, January 22, the Church in the United States observes the annual “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” This day is set aside to pray for the legal protection of human life and to do penance for the violations to human dignity through abortion. We are called to observe this day through prayer and penance. More information: respectlife.org/january-22.
Healing after Abortion
If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential, compassionate help is available. Visit HopeAfterAbortion.org.