
St. Patrick’s Day Bridge Party
Thursday, March 9, 2017
12:00—4:00 PM

At the
Cherry Valley Country Club
Garden City, New York

Sandwiches, Salads, Desserts
Table Prizes, Raffle Prizes, Lucky Bucks

Cost $40.00 per person

Please make check payable to: St. Joseph’s Rosary Altar Society

RSVP: by March 6, 2017
Annemarie Gordon
134 Pine Street
Garden City, New York 11530

Name: _________________________________Phone #:___________________

Names of people at my table: (for additional tables, please use a separate sheet)

____________________________________ _______________________________

____________________________________ ________________________________

Note: If you would like to play any other card game, let us know and
bring your group. We will accommodate you. Mahjong and Bunko players
are welcome. Mail all reservations to Annemarie Gordon; address above.