

Registrations for First Grade and New Registrations for September 2017 will be accepted according to the following schedule.

All families must have filled out Parish Registration forms at the Rectory in order to register a child in the Religious Ed. Program. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate is required as well as verification of previous Religious Education for grades 2 and up. Both First and Second Grade are required for the celebration of First Communion.

Monday, May 15th                9:30AM to 12:30PM 1:30PM to 4PM and 7 to 8PM
Tuesday, May 16th                9:30AM to 12:30PM 1:30PM to 4PM
Wednesday, May 17th          9:30AM to 12:30PM 1:30PM to 4PM
Thursday, May 18th              9:30AM to 12:30PM 1:30PM to 4PM

WANTED - Volunteers for the Ministry of Catechesis

People who love God, who pray, who are excited about their faith, and who love children are needed to teach in the Religious Ed. Program. Please consider sharing your faith with the children of the Parish. Catechists are needed in all grades - training will be provided. If interested in teaching in our Program please call the Religious Ed. Office at 741-7787 for more details.

We are in need of Teachers for all grades. Also, needed are aides for special needs children in all grades. We are in need of two to three aides on each grade level.

We are also looking for help in the parking lot on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 to 4 PM.