Fin Gallagher is an Altar server at St. Joseph’s Parish and a student at Chaminade High School. Fin is also a Life Scout at Troop 243. Fin, along with 7 other boys from Troop 243 of St. Joseph Church and his mentor, Mr Paul Debany of Cambridge Associates, completed his Eagle project. After much planning and 2 days of hard work they completed the building of the 2 mahogany benches and 5 planters for the residents of the AHRC Group Home in Garden City. They also cleaned the backyard and planted new grass. The project was very successful. The residents are so happy to have a new hobby and space to spend their time enjoying the backyard. Fin and his fellow Scouts appreciate the kindness of the 23 donors and Riverhead Building Supply for their generosity in helping pay for this project. Thank you Fin and your brother Scouts for your service to our Community.